
Welcome to the book blog of writer and creative writing tutor, Diane Paul.

Thanks to the publishers and kind PR people who send me books and releases about their clients' books for review. Press releases and review copies of fiction and non-fiction are always welcome. (No sci-fi, fantasy or erotica please.)

Due to the barrage of requests from self-published authors for reviews, I'm unable to deal with them all, although I'm sometimes drawn to non-fiction for the subject matter. And because I love print books, the smell, the touch of the paper and the sight of the words, I don't have an electronic reader or review e-books.

E-mail: diane.paul2@ntlworld.com

My writing website:

Thursday 16 September 2010

The Children's Bookshow tour

Children's Laureate Michael Rosen
 My earlier children's post on reading has aroused more interest than any other, so you might like to know that The Children's Bookshow is going on tour beginning on 22 September at the Oxford Playhouse. This is an annual event designed to coincide with Children's Book Week and the idea is to introduce children to the top authors, illustrators, storytellers and poets to inspire them to foster a lasting love of books. The tour was launched in 2003 to celebrate books and authors featured in Simply the Best Books for Children, published by the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education and it has grown from there. During the next two months, it will visit 17 theatres and is expected to attract thousands of children. At each venue, an author will take the stage for an hour and enthrall children with their storytelling. At Manchester's Royal Exchange Theatre, for example, Children's Laureate Michael Rosen will be centre stage on Thursday 21 October at 10.30am. Schools can hold free workshops attended by an author or illustrator too, giving the pupils a chance to work on their own writing and receive a published book. Promoting books to children from an early age in this way is a great idea and let's hope future generations who've had this experience will  help to ensure that book publishing and reading continue, given that the book world is experiencing so many threats of annihilation from new technology, lack of funding and other drawbacks.

Call 07789 853142 or email thechildrensbookshow@gmail.com for tickets for Michael Rosen's performance and the other venues across the country. You could claim a free school workshop with one of the authors. Visit Michael's website at http://www.michaelrosen.co.uk/ to read more about his writing. The Children's Bookshow can be contacted at 9a Peploe Road, London NW6 6EB or phone Kate Tull 07740 256330 or Sian Hardy 07789 853142, email as above, website http://www.thechildrensbookshow.com/

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